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  • Writer's pictureScott Gutentag

Make Back-To-School Summer Vacation Reports Pop!

So your child needs to share out about her or his summer vacation at school. As kids are hands-on learners and love experiencing life, a fun way to jazz up the reporting is through cool and stand-out photos. This goes for teens as well who may think the school assignment is lame. Get their ideas on what would make an interesting and fun, but appropriate, report with pictures. Below are ideas on getting good photos and making them interesting for others.

Get Good Photos

Many personal photos are taken in harsh outdoor light or taken too far away from the person. So, first, take or use existing pictures of your child in a less lit area with the flash on your mobile or actual camera. This way, you won't get harsh shadows on the face and can actually see the person! Even without flash, some of the best looking photos are taken in places with soft light like cloudy days, under trees, sun behind the person, under overhangs.

LA Child Portrait Photography

Make Photos Interesting For Others

What may look cool to us, may not look cool to others. Make the photo pop. Look for something interesting outdoors and place the child strategically. For example, have your child stand on the left side of a waterfall instead of in front. Have the child run away from parent instead of the traditional line up looking into the camera. Get a close shot of the child.

Family Photography at Its Best

Have your child jump, run, get in a tree, dump water over themselves, make silly faces, strike a serious attitude look, etc.! Or pick the best of the photos you already have.

Fun and Artistic Child Portraits

Always glad to help at Scott Gutentag Photography.



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